Advanced Training

Advancing your Piloting

Bankstown Flight School offers advanced training for expanding the privileges of your Pilot licence.

As you advance your flying experience, you will progress into more advanced aircraft types. This will make the CPL Pilot more employable and the PPL Pilot able to further, faster and with more friends and family.

View the CASA Licencing Manual.

Retractable Under carriage (RU)

Aircraft with retractable undercarriage experience less drag and generally perform better than fixed undercarriage aircraft.

Less drag often means greater speeds and better fuel consumption for longer ranges.

A retractable undercarriage endorsement allows you to pilot hundreds more types of aircraft. Approximate hours to complete this endorsement is 1.5 to 2 hours and it can usually be combined with an MPPC endorsement.

Manual Propellor Pitch Control (MPPC)

Often more complex and powerful aircraft have variable pitch propellers which automatically change blade pitch to take best advantage of the engine’s speed.

A constant speed endorsement allows you to pilot many aircraft types of faster and more powerful aircraft such as the Cessna 182 or PA28R Piper Arrow.

The training involves typically around 1.5 to 2 hours in total and on completion, the MPPC endorsement is added to your pilot licence.

Multi Engine Aircraft (MEA)

Are you ready to expand your flying experience with a multi-engine rating?

Are you ready to fly faster? Fly a more complicated aeroplane, which calls for professional techniques and procedures? Fly further with greater payloads?

Then here is your opportunity to fly the Beechcraft Duchess BE-76. Having that additional engine means dramatically increased performance and capability compared to a single engine aircraft. You will be flying an aircraft with more speed, more weight, more complex systems and better climb performance.

Initial Multi-Engine Rating includes the following:

  • Flight Time – at least 7 hours
  • Long brief – 3 hours
  • Simulator- 1 hour
  • Pre-flight long brief plus post flight briefings


  • The candidate for the grant of a multi-engine aeroplane class rating must be the holder of a PPL, a CPL or an ATPL.
  • Training is provided on a pay-as-you-go basis.
  • Flight training will be carried out in the Beechcraft Duchess BE76.
  • Referral for the flight test is dependent on demonstrating the required standard.

Instrument Rating (IR) or Private Instrument Flight Rating (PIFR)

The Instrument (Single engine) Rating adds an entirely new dimension to your flying. The ‘Instrument’ rating permits you to fly in less than VFR weather and at maybe times more convenient to you both day and night. 

The rating will expand your flying skills, including the use of navigation aids (NDB, VOR, GPS etc.) and the ability to fly instrument approaches, including VOR, ILS, LLZ DGS and RNVA-GNSS

The training involves 33 hours in the aircraft and 20 hours of simulator training to develop IF, navigation and instrument approach skills.

Private Instrument Flight Rating course includes the following:

  • Flight Time (including flight tests) – 13 hours
  • Flight simulator – 9 hours
  • Pre-flight and post flight briefings

Multi Engine Command Instrument Rating course includes the following:

  • Flight training dual: 15.4
  • Cross Country: 20.4
  • Instrument Flight: 13.3
  • Simulator: 16.0


  • Candidates for the Instrument Rating and Private Instrument Flight Rating (PIFR) must be the holder of a PPL or a CPL in the aeroplane category and type
  • Passed the aeronautical knowledge examination for an instrument rating or a private instrument
  • Completed the school’s syllabus of aeronautical training in an appropriate aeroplane type and
    attained at least,
    • At least 20 hours instrument time including,
    • At least 10 hours of dual instrument time and
  • Passed a flight test by a properly endorsed Pilot Examiner


  • The Multi-engine Instrument Flight rating course (and costs) may be tailored to individual requirements.
  • All costs are based on student averages and may vary individually.
  • The Instrument Rating and Multi-Engine Command Instrument Rating assumes you have completed and pass the IREX exam.
  • Training is provided on a pay-as-you-go basis.
  • Training will be carried out in the Beechcraft Duchess BE-76
  • Referral for the flight test is dependent on achieving the standard required.

Night VFR Rating (NVFR)

Add a Night Visual Flight Rating to your privileges and discover the spectacular world of night flying!

The Night VFR Rating (NVFR) allows you to fly by night in visual meteorological conditions (VMC). This can be quite a handy addition to your licence should you be delayed by weather or for any other reason, imagine flying over the harbour at night.

At BFS we view the NVFR rating as a means to extend a flight or depart very early, in our opinion, it was not designed for regular long overnight flights and in this case an IFR rating is more suitable as it provides additional skills.

Your training will provide you with the necessary skills to fly at night including visual navigation, navigation by ground-based aids (NDB/VOR) and GPS, operating the aircraft in the circuit and ground handling. The rating can be issued without restriction or endorsed as single engine only.

The Night VFR Rating (NVFR) course consists of the following:

  • Flight Time – at least 15 hours
  • GPS Ground Training
  • Navigation Aid Training
  • Referral for the flight test is dependent on demonstrating to the required standard.


  • The candidate must be the holder of a PPL, CPL or ATPL, in the aircraft category, and
  • 10 hours total flight time at night which includes:
    • 5 hours of navigation (minimum)
    • 1 hour of solo circuits (minimum)


How much does it cost?

The cost of conversion will depend on pilot experience level prior to flying the cirrus and also the amount of time and frequency you can dedicate to the course. We do quote basic estimates of around 10 hours flight time.

How long does it take?

The Cirrus conversion course can be completed usually over a period of 3 or 4 days, with 1 or 2 flights per day. It is recommended to have finished the Cirrus Transition course online prior to any flight training.

Am I guaranteed to pass?

As with any flight training, safety is the most important aspect, we will train you until a safe standard, so you are then comfortable yourself to fly off with family and friends.

What is enroute training?

For example we have a Doctor who regularly had to attend clinics in regional NSW, he was an existing pilot but not on Cirrus, so what we did was construct a Cirrus converion course so that he could complete part of the syllabus at the same time as his travel requirements.

Can I get help to pay?

Unfortunately we dont offer credit of finance for the course and the cost for the hours flown will have to be paid on completion of the flight

Can I rent after course completion?

Yes we do offer rental to our pilots on completion and we have on offer a range of SR 20 or SR 22, you are free to take this away on long journeys as long as minimum hours are met, please enquire for more info.

I want to buy a SR 20 or SR 22?

We have on show in our hanger a range of SR 20 and SR 22 aircraft, so please visit to discuss purchase as well as map put your training course.

I want to buy a Vision Jet!

We are proud to have in our hanger a new 2020 model SF 50 Vision Jet. This aircraft is not available to rent or train on, but syndicates are on offer or you can discuss an outright purchase. Contact us for more info.

Can you train in other locations?

Yes for certain circumstances such as full time courses, we do offer training away from our home base at Bankstown airport, please feel free to ask.

*please note that additional expenses may apply such as accomodation and enroute travel costs*

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The learning begins here, from the very first flight until you obtain your licence, then fly around Australia. Maybe a career to fly everywhere in the world.

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